Series are like arrays#

In this page, we look at Pandas’ Series. Series are the Pandas type that represents a column of data.

# Load the Numpy array library, call it 'np'
import numpy as np
# Load the Pandas data science library, call it 'pd'
import pandas as pd
# Turn on a setting to use Pandas more safely.
# We will discuss this setting later.
pd.set_option('mode.copy_on_write', True)

# Load the library for plotting, name it 'plt'
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# Make plots look a little more fancy'fivethirtyeight')

We return to our original data frame, with the missing values dropped, and the rows labels with the country codes:

# Original data frame before dropping missing values.
gender_data = pd.read_csv('data/gender_stats_min.csv')
gender_data_no_na = gender_data.dropna()
labeled_gdata = gender_data_no_na.set_index('country_code')
country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population
AFG Afghanistan 19.961015 444.00 32.715838
AGO Angola 111.936542 501.25 26.937545
ALB Albania 12.327586 29.25 2.888280
ARE United Arab Emirates 375.027082 6.00 9.080299
ARG Argentina 550.980968 53.75 42.976675

We found that there was a rather unconvincing relationship between the GDP values, and the Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR) values.

First we fetch those values from their corresponding DataFrame columns, using direct indexing with column labels:

gdp = labeled_gdata['gdp_us_billion']
AFG     19.961015
AGO    111.936542
ALB     12.327586
ARE    375.027082
ARG    550.980968
WSM      0.799887
YEM     36.819337
ZAF    345.209888
ZMB     24.280990
ZWE     15.495514
Name: gdp_us_billion, Length: 179, dtype: float64
mmr = labeled_gdata['mat_mort_ratio']
AFG    444.00
AGO    501.25
ALB     29.25
ARE      6.00
ARG     53.75
WSM     54.75
YEM    399.75
ZAF    143.75
ZMB    233.75
ZWE    398.00
Name: mat_mort_ratio, Length: 179, dtype: float64

We plot the two Series against each other to remind ourselves of the relationship.

plt.scatter(gdp, mmr)
plt.title('Maternal mortality ratio as a function of GDP')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Maternal mortality ratio as a function of GDP')

Our question was whether the GDP might be a misleading measure, because it will depend, in part, on the population. More people can earn more money. We were interested to calculate a GDP value adjusted for the population.

But first, let us investigate Series a little more.

Series have some of the same methods as DataFrames#

gdp is a Series:


As the DdataFrame has .head and .tail methods to show the first 5 and last 5 rows (by default), so the Series has .head and .tail:

AFG     19.961015
AGO    111.936542
ALB     12.327586
ARE    375.027082
ARG    550.980968
Name: gdp_us_billion, dtype: float64
AFG      19.961015
AGO     111.936542
ALB      12.327586
ARE     375.027082
ARG     550.980968
ARM      10.885362
AUS    1422.994116
AUT     407.494276
AZE      62.003001
BDI       2.876978
Name: gdp_us_billion, dtype: float64
WSM      0.799887
YEM     36.819337
ZAF    345.209888
ZMB     24.280990
ZWE     15.495514
Name: gdp_us_billion, dtype: float64

As you remember we can sort a DataFrame using the .sort_values method:

country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population
KIR Kiribati 0.177431 95.00 0.110482
STP Sao Tome and Principe 0.314540 159.50 0.191333
FSM Micronesia, Fed. Sts. 0.319321 103.25 0.104118
TON Tonga 0.439179 129.25 0.105909
COM Comoros 0.603919 349.50 0.759556
... ... ... ... ...
GBR United Kingdom 2768.864417 9.25 64.641557
DEU Germany 3601.226158 6.25 81.281645
JPN Japan 5106.024760 5.75 127.297102
CHN China 10182.790479 28.75 1364.446000
USA United States 17369.124600 14.00 318.558175

179 rows × 4 columns

This is also true of a Series:

KIR        0.177431
STP        0.314540
FSM        0.319321
TON        0.439179
COM        0.603919
GBR     2768.864417
DEU     3601.226158
JPN     5106.024760
CHN    10182.790479
USA    17369.124600
Name: gdp_us_billion, Length: 179, dtype: float64

Notice that, for the Series, we don’t have to give .sort_values the column name, because the Series is already the column we want to sort.

A Series has values and labels#

A Series is like an array, in that it contains a sequence of values. In fact, the Series holds that sequence of values in an array. You can get the sequence of values from the Series with the np.array function:

# The values from a Series as an array
array([1.99610151e+01, 1.11936542e+02, 1.23275859e+01, 3.75027082e+02,
       5.50980968e+02, 1.08853625e+01, 1.42299412e+03, 4.07494276e+02,
       6.20030013e+01, 2.87697831e+00, 4.94221836e+02, 8.77815063e+00,
       1.17530544e+01, 1.74545099e+02, 5.37976122e+01, 3.20040106e+01,
       8.68800000e+00, 1.73233271e+01, 6.47829419e+01, 1.68032497e+00,
       3.15093236e+01, 2.19876561e+03, 4.41308000e+00, 1.57192226e+01,
       1.97514532e+00, 1.51133948e+01, 1.74910987e+00, 1.70847363e+03,
       6.76642359e+02, 2.59208554e+02, 1.01827905e+04, 3.25358753e+01,
       2.81421556e+01, 3.25386626e+01, 1.16655768e+01, 3.40405888e+02,
       6.03918965e-01, 1.73054354e+00, 5.18299661e+01, 7.95194750e+01,
       2.23473982e+01, 2.00535631e+02, 3.60122616e+03, 1.53090824e+00,
       3.26096204e+02, 6.54993582e+01, 1.90734615e+02, 9.66650964e+01,
       3.08496722e+02, 1.29972426e+03, 2.39872406e+01, 5.66819675e+01,
       2.53688521e+02, 4.33093138e+00, 2.64764973e+03, 3.19320780e-01,
       1.62834944e+01, 2.76886442e+03, 1.53644509e+01, 4.17188959e+01,
       6.30423092e+00, 9.13773107e-01, 1.06283063e+00, 1.76270598e+01,
       2.22206258e+02, 9.10843446e-01, 5.90985382e+01, 3.10872347e+00,
       1.98292083e+01, 5.40874424e+01, 8.37327626e+00, 1.29470864e+02,
       9.02944866e+02, 2.01900541e+03, 2.59826259e+02, 4.79398094e+02,
       2.07685388e+02, 1.67415845e+01, 2.95577073e+02, 2.00598398e+03,
       1.42531394e+01, 3.53060370e+01, 5.10602476e+03, 1.96818842e+02,
       6.02503997e+01, 6.92754607e+00, 1.68665072e+01, 1.77430636e-01,
       1.34675116e+03, 1.56226123e+02, 1.31391168e+01, 4.55819922e+01,
       1.96600000e+00, 1.36256387e+00, 7.68085057e+01, 2.45329837e+00,
       4.44015393e+01, 6.05560448e+01, 2.88860491e+01, 1.03402329e+02,
       7.30314452e+00, 1.01848586e+01, 3.08680306e+00, 1.18880278e+03,
       1.05752957e+01, 1.32103703e+01, 1.03510583e+01, 6.30938400e+01,
       4.26661171e+00, 1.20006207e+01, 1.46655026e+01, 5.16400962e+00,
       1.20895485e+01, 5.88343532e+00, 3.13686193e+02, 1.20684535e+01,
       7.50148231e+00, 4.86113579e+02, 1.18747997e+01, 8.19285000e+02,
       4.57585186e+02, 2.01166147e+01, 1.85598413e+02, 7.45575405e+01,
       2.50934589e+02, 4.82593427e+01, 1.95244387e+02, 2.80838449e+02,
       1.59111580e+01, 5.03311262e+02, 1.02107758e+02, 2.15143697e+02,
       2.78331214e+01, 1.25082200e+01, 1.81779231e+02, 1.85384091e+02,
       1.82269170e+03, 7.91832002e+00, 7.07936120e+02, 8.30167318e+01,
       1.45395548e+01, 2.98724394e+02, 1.11453462e+00, 4.33160391e+00,
       2.52137140e+01, 5.78525000e+00, 4.10756437e+01, 1.14809386e+01,
       3.14539986e-01, 4.77315902e+00, 9.38944735e+01, 4.60488627e+01,
       5.40626904e+02, 4.34681654e+00, 1.19459416e+01, 4.18361027e+00,
       4.06136904e+02, 8.03622825e+00, 3.79730958e+01, 1.36142965e+00,
       4.39178883e-01, 2.45709470e+01, 4.48243740e+01, 8.95175577e+02,
       4.49355418e+01, 2.59414607e+01, 1.35379275e+02, 5.43451323e+01,
       1.73691246e+04, 6.13406487e+01, 7.30106763e-01, 3.76146268e+02,
       1.81820736e+02, 7.82875953e-01, 7.99887347e-01, 3.68193365e+01,
       3.45209888e+02, 2.42809899e+01, 1.54955139e+01])

Notice that, by making the Series into an array, we have thrown away to the row labels.

The Series also has labels. These labels correspond to the row labels for the DataFrame, and, like them, you can find the Series labels in the Series .index attribute:

Index(['AFG', 'AGO', 'ALB', 'ARE', 'ARG', 'ARM', 'AUS', 'AUT', 'AZE', 'BDI',
       'UZB', 'VCT', 'VEN', 'VNM', 'VUT', 'WSM', 'YEM', 'ZAF', 'ZMB', 'ZWE'],
      dtype='object', name='country_code', length=179)

Think of the Series as the association of the values (np.array(gdp)) and the corresponding labels (gdp.index).

Calculations on Series work like calculation on arrays#

As you remember, calculations on arrays work elementwise. For example, if you multiply an array by a number, that has the effect of making a new array, where the result is each element of the original array multiplied by the number.

The same is true of calculations on Series. For example, we might want to calculate the GDP in US million dollars instead of its current values in US billion:

# GDP in US million
gdp * 1000
AFG     19961.015094
AGO    111936.542134
ALB     12327.585927
ARE    375027.082337
ARG    550980.967906
WSM       799.887347
YEM     36819.336505
ZAF    345209.888495
ZMB     24280.989920
ZWE     15495.513860
Name: gdp_us_billion, Length: 179, dtype: float64

The elementwise calculations also apply to operations on two Series. In fact, that is the key to solving our problem of getting the GDP values divided by the population. We make the population DataFrame column into a Series.

# Population is in millions.
pop = labeled_gdata['population']
AFG    32.715838
AGO    26.937545
ALB     2.888280
ARE     9.080299
ARG    42.976675
WSM     0.192225
YEM    26.246608
ZAF    54.177209
ZMB    15.633220
ZWE    15.420964
Name: population, Length: 179, dtype: float64

Then we can use elementwise calculation to divide the values in the two series, elementwise, like this:

# GDP per million people.
gdp_per_mcap = gdp / pop
AFG     0.610133
AGO     4.155410
ALB     4.268141
ARE    41.301180
ARG    12.820465
WSM     4.161204
YEM     1.402823
ZAF     6.371865
ZMB     1.553166
ZWE     1.004834
Length: 179, dtype: float64

This is what we wanted, the GDP divided by the population. Let’s see if there is a more convincing relationship between the GDP per million and the MMR:

plt.scatter(gdp_per_mcap, mmr)
plt.title('MMR as a function of GDP per million people')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'MMR as a function of GDP per million people')

You can insert Series as columns into DataFrames#

Just as you can make a Series by indexing into a DataFrame, you can insert a Series into a DataFrame as a column, by using indexing.

# Insert new column into DataFrame
labeled_gdata['gdp_per_mcap'] = gdp_per_mcap
country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population gdp_per_mcap
AFG Afghanistan 19.961015 444.00 32.715838 0.610133
AGO Angola 111.936542 501.25 26.937545 4.155410
ALB Albania 12.327586 29.25 2.888280 4.268141
ARE United Arab Emirates 375.027082 6.00 9.080299 41.301180
ARG Argentina 550.980968 53.75 42.976675 12.820465

Scroll across the DataFrame display to see the new column at the end.

Here we inserted the Series into the labeled_gdata DataFrame as new column, by using direct indexing with column label on the Right Hand Side. Read the assignment above as “make a column called ‘gdp_per_mcap’ in labeled_gdata and fill it with the values from the gdp_per_mcap Series”.

With the Series data in the DataFrame, we can sort the DataFrame by the new GDP per million values:

gdata_by_gdp_mcap = labeled_gdata.sort_values('gdp_per_mcap')
country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population gdp_per_mcap
BDI Burundi 2.876978 747.25 9.907015 0.290398
MWI Malawi 5.883435 633.00 17.081694 0.344429
CAF Central African Republic 1.749110 875.75 4.529236 0.386182
NER Niger 7.501482 585.50 19.175235 0.391207
SOM Somalia 5.785250 762.75 13.527075 0.427679

Let us look to see if sorting this way gives a clearer picture of the relationship of income to MMR. Get the richest 25 countries in terms of GDP per million:

richest_per_mcap_25 = gdata_by_gdp_mcap.tail(25)
country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population gdp_per_mcap
ISR Israel 295.577073 5.00 8.222580 35.946999
BRN Brunei Darussalam 15.719223 23.75 0.411581 38.192275
FRA France 2647.649725 8.75 66.302099 39.933121
JPN Japan 5106.024760 5.75 127.297102 40.111084
NZL New Zealand 185.598413 11.50 4.529660 40.974027
ARE United Arab Emirates 375.027082 6.00 9.080299 41.301180
KWT Kuwait 156.226123 4.00 3.752954 41.627510
GBR United Kingdom 2768.864417 9.25 64.641557 42.834123
BEL Belgium 494.221836 7.00 11.228495 44.014967
DEU Germany 3601.226158 6.25 81.281645 44.305528
FIN Finland 253.688521 3.00 5.457816 46.481688
AUT Austria 407.494276 4.00 8.566294 47.569497
CAN Canada 1708.473627 7.25 35.517119 48.102821
NLD Netherlands 819.285000 7.00 16.876547 48.545773
ISL Iceland 16.741585 3.50 0.327387 51.137049
USA United States 17369.124600 14.00 318.558175 54.524184
SGP Singapore 298.724394 10.75 5.464722 54.664156
SWE Sweden 540.626904 4.00 9.703634 55.713859
IRL Ireland 259.826259 8.00 4.650469 55.870977
DNK Denmark 326.096204 6.75 5.652916 57.686370
AUS Australia 1422.994116 6.00 23.444560 60.696133
QAT Qatar 181.779231 13.25 2.357161 77.117881
CHE Switzerland 676.642359 5.25 8.185870 82.659798
NOR Norway 457.585186 5.00 5.131393 89.173681
LUX Luxembourg 60.556045 10.25 0.556640 108.788486

Plot the relationship of GDP per million and MMR:

plt.scatter(richest_per_mcap_25['gdp_per_mcap'], richest_per_mcap_25['mat_mort_ratio'])
plt.title('MMR as function of GDP per million, richest 25')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'MMR as function of GDP per million, richest 25')

We might be interested in looking at the richest countries in terms of the MMR, by sorting. The countries doing best at reducing MMR are first, those doing worst are last.

country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population gdp_per_mcap
FIN Finland 253.688521 3.00 5.457816 46.481688
ISL Iceland 16.741585 3.50 0.327387 51.137049
KWT Kuwait 156.226123 4.00 3.752954 41.627510
AUT Austria 407.494276 4.00 8.566294 47.569497
SWE Sweden 540.626904 4.00 9.703634 55.713859
ISR Israel 295.577073 5.00 8.222580 35.946999
NOR Norway 457.585186 5.00 5.131393 89.173681
CHE Switzerland 676.642359 5.25 8.185870 82.659798
JPN Japan 5106.024760 5.75 127.297102 40.111084
AUS Australia 1422.994116 6.00 23.444560 60.696133
ARE United Arab Emirates 375.027082 6.00 9.080299 41.301180
DEU Germany 3601.226158 6.25 81.281645 44.305528
DNK Denmark 326.096204 6.75 5.652916 57.686370
BEL Belgium 494.221836 7.00 11.228495 44.014967
NLD Netherlands 819.285000 7.00 16.876547 48.545773
CAN Canada 1708.473627 7.25 35.517119 48.102821
IRL Ireland 259.826259 8.00 4.650469 55.870977
FRA France 2647.649725 8.75 66.302099 39.933121
GBR United Kingdom 2768.864417 9.25 64.641557 42.834123
LUX Luxembourg 60.556045 10.25 0.556640 108.788486
SGP Singapore 298.724394 10.75 5.464722 54.664156
NZL New Zealand 185.598413 11.50 4.529660 40.974027
QAT Qatar 181.779231 13.25 2.357161 77.117881
USA United States 17369.124600 14.00 318.558175 54.524184
BRN Brunei Darussalam 15.719223 23.75 0.411581 38.192275

Conversely, we might want to take the poorest 75 by GDP per million, and look at the best and worst by MMR:

poorest_by_mcap_75 = gdata_by_gdp_mcap.head(75)
country_name gdp_us_billion mat_mort_ratio population gdp_per_mcap
MDA Moldova 7.303145 24.25 3.556118 2.053685
UKR Ukraine 135.379275 24.25 45.302704 2.988327
ARM Armenia 10.885362 27.25 2.904683 3.747521
LKA Sri Lanka 76.808506 31.25 20.790000 3.694493
TJK Tajikistan 8.036228 33.25 8.363844 0.960830
... ... ... ... ... ...
NGA Nigeria 486.113579 818.50 176.551695 2.753378
SSD South Sudan 11.480939 827.50 11.527917 0.995925
CAF Central African Republic 1.749110 875.75 4.529236 0.386182
TCD Chad 11.945942 892.25 13.574024 0.880059
SLE Sierra Leone 4.331604 1435.00 7.080112 0.611799

75 rows × 5 columns